Monday, January 5, 2009

Kamameshi and Tsujiri

I went to Kyoto yesterday.
I went to Kamameshi restaurant. Kamameshi means rice in the iron pot. In this shop, we can eat Kamameshi only.
I ordered set of Kamameshi. This set included soup, pickle, green tea.
I orderd pork and kimchi kamameshi. It was delicious!
And this green tea was very delicious! It was sweet, so it was like a dessert.
And also, I went to Tsujiri. Tsujiri is famous shop as powdered green tea. It is often said that powdered green tea's parfait in this shop is delicious. Therefore, I ate pafait. It was very delicious! This parfait included fresh cream of powdered green tea, ice cream of powdered green tea, sherbet of powdered green tea, jelly of powdered green tea, shiratama of powdered green tea, vanilla ice cream.... This parfait was full of powdered green tea! I was satisfied with it.